Ram has recently announced their insider program meant for diehard fans of the brand: The Ram Revolution. This program is meant to coincide with their new Ram 1500 that’s going to be fitted as an EV, slated for release in 2024.

The company’s new program is meant to connect their existing customer base towards their future EV offerings. Updates and unique content are all available on their website as well as a dialogue seeking to involve the community in developing the future of Ram EV trucks.

From its humble beginnings as a stand-alone truck brand way back in 2009, the company has made great strides in shaking up the pickup truck market. Now, they’ve set their sights on creating EV trucks that will usher in a new road for the brand. According to Mike Koval Jr., the CEO behind Ram, this new “Ram Revolution” campaign allows them to gather feedback and concerns from the community to help them in developing the best electric pickup trucks, all of this starting with the Ram 1500 BEV.

During the announcement, Ram also showcased concept images of an in-development vehicle that’s meant to inspire the design of the new Ram 1500 BEV. They also launched a new video manifesto under the name “Spark”. They are also debuting the “Ram Real Talk Tour” which are meant to help customers communicate with the brand at various events to understand what the new generation of trucks from the brand should have and what they shouldn’t.

Ram is expected to send out their new electrified vehicles and solutions by 2025 across their whole lineup, with full electrification slated to happen no later than the year 2030. The company has ensured its customers that their products from here on out will focus on real-world demands. With an expanding portfolio of tech that’s given their trucks more power and utility, Ram is set to once again change the world of pickup trucks towards a new electrified future.

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